Name |
In |
Out |
GetShm |
GetShmSingle |
CreateObject |
- int32 type
- string name
- bool from_region
- uint32 src_idx
- uint32 parent_idx
- uint64 start
- uint64 len
- uint32 inset
DeleteObject |
method GetPropString |
method SetPropInt |
- int32 type
- int32 prop
- uint32 obj_idx
- int32 val
method SetPropInt64 |
- int32 type
- int32 prop
- uint32 obj_idx
- int64 val
method SetPropFloat |
- int32 type
- int32 prop
- uint32 obj_idx
- double val
method SetPropBool |
- int32 type
- int32 prop
- uint32 obj_idx
- bool val
method SetPropString |
- int32 type
- int32 prop
- uint32 obj_idx
- string val
method SetProp3Index2Float |
- int32 type
- int32 prop
- uint32 obj_idx
- uint32 idx2
- uint32 idx3
- double val1
- double val2
method AutomationPointAdd |
- uint32 track
- uint32 plugin_slot
- uint32 auto_type
- double pos
- double value
method SetNotelist |
- uint32 part_idx
- array of struct ( uint32 byte byte uint32 uint32 ) note_array
method getPropertiesTest |
- array of dict { string variant }
method emitHelloSignal |
method emitDeletedSignal |
method emitObjnewSignal |
method emitPropertySignal |